Happy New year

I’m sorry that I haven’t posted anything recently.  As far as stuff I can write about, very little has happened recently.  We finally got snow this morning! Maybe a sign that this year will be better than the last two???? Maybe? Please, God, we dearly need rain. 

Oh well, kidding season for the kikos is almost upon us, Tiger is really close now, and after she kids I don’t believe any of the others will kid until closer to mid-January.  We still have two kiko doelings- Pi and Atl- that are needing homes, also Puma and Sable are still for sale.  Please check out our website: bbgoats.com for more details if you’re interested.  I’ll post our more recent pictures when I can.

Today is the last day for the Nigerians that I’m milking this year.  I already pulled Bunny off the milking set three days ago, it has been almost impossible to get much milk recently.  There is little grass left that the does like in the pasture, and the water is hard to keep accessible for the shorter ones.  They also really seem to hate the weather swings this year.  One day we can go out with just a jacket, the next we have to bundle up in full winter gear.  I made my last batch of cheese yesterday and I’m not sure what will happen with the left over quart, I haven’t found any cheeses that take just a quart. We’ll probably just drink it or use it in gravy. 

Since I said something about the kiko doelings; Pharaoh and DIago are still looking for homes.  They are really sweet and love attention. Again, if you’re interested these two are posted on our website linked above, please check it out. 

We’ll be having new babies soon so check back often.  All Nigerian wethers (Boys) will be posted on the “for Sale” page on our site.  Because of how long it has taken to find this year’s wethers homes, I will post the 2013 wethers the day of or the day after they are born depending on my time schedule.  I wish I could, but I can’t keep every one of these cute guys.  They make great pets though!

I haven’t had time to finish any holiday drawings/paintings, I’m sorry to anyone who may read my posts just for those. (I seriously doubt anyone actually does that.) 

But to everyone: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  I’ll post something next year!  See you in 2013 🙂