♪School’s out!♪

Alright, enough  being goofy.

I got finished with my last final for this semester yesterday and got home in time for Bible study.  After getting my belongings in some sense of organization I decided to try updating this. I promise, I’m going to be trying much harder to keep this updated. (Yeah, I know I’ve said that before, but seriously.) If nothing else once I finish

cleaning I’ll have a desk space that’ll be remarkably easy to use…or that’s the idea.

Since the last time I posted we’ve had several babies at BB Goats.  That is including a pair of Nigerian Dwarf twins that were born about a week ago. Positive, they are both very healthy and active, negative it was a breeding I was hoping for a doe out of but got two bucklings.  They’ll make great pets though.

The first is Malachia, he’s got blue eyes and the white spade on his side. The second (and younger) is Zephaniah, he’s very colorful and very vocal (his voice is what earned him the name of a minor prophet in the Old Testament.)

Checking in

So, yet again I’ve failed at trying to be a consistent blogger.  So much for that attempt, if I can get my laptop to work better again, as it’s once again started glitching, I may try again here soon.

As it is quite a bit has happened since winter break ended.  Since February started we have had 12 kids (at least) born in our meat goat herd, the most recent being Blu’s kids.  Thankfully we found out this season that Blu was indeed not sterile, which of course is wonderful considering since she’s a breeding doe.  She had two gorgeous little boer/kiko bucklings so my sister may not need to buy a wether for the 4-H county fair.  We have about 3 more meat does to kid out then we’ll be done for a few weeks.  The dairy girls won’t start kidding until May/June, which means we won’t have a lot of freshened does at the Land of Oz show and even fewer little babies, though our 4 yearling Nigerians will for sure be going.

Since school has started I have been working two jobs on campus, one with Dr. Hart in the LU Agriculture research facility and the second with the LU Goat farm in the dairy farm milking, which combined makes for a few very very long days each week.  (Which includes today :P)

I am almost done with my second chapter of my thesis, which is actually on my to-do list right after this post.  I have also now written 9 or so articles for the Dairy Goat Journal and will continue to do so unless something strange happens.  The communications department in the LU Ag building has asked that I help out by writing small articles and such to promote the research that is going on.  The Ag department has also placed me on a grant project that will be sending me and one other girl in the school to China with APHIS and FAS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Foreign Agriculture Service).  That will be happening over this summer and in August.

So, as a little blip:  our website bbgoats.com is hosted through iPage.com and I figured there may be some people who would be interested in what exactly that is.  My blog is actually connected through our website so this may be helpful if you are selling items or want to make an informative/interactive website.  iPage itself is a website builder that provides an easy to navigate interface.  Shoot, it’s easy enough that I can keep the cite up and running even with minimal computer skills.  Once on you can set up emails specifically through your website and set up forms for people to contact you directly off the webpage.  There’s a lot of different interesting options that I’d love to say I’ve explored enough to explain but I tend to play it safe so a lot of the features haven’t been used on our cite.  If you’re wanting a way to make your small business a website or something like that iPage is definitely worth looking into.

I hope everyone is doing decent and can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I know we are in rough times and things don’t always look promising but things will get better eventually, though I can’t say when.  Just keep your head up and moving forward as best as you can.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.

I do not give to you as the world gives.

Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

~John 14:27

“The Danish Girl”

So I said I might do a review of The Danish Girl, and I did.  In fact I posted it on here 7 whole minutes ago, but after sitting and thinking on it for a while it seemed in better taste to remove it before it was forcibly removed or someone decided to attack it.  Oh well.  I don’t have much to talk about today, I’m thinking about doing a short write up on Somatic Cell count here soon.  So, if you like dairy you may be interested in keeping an eye out for that.  I need to get some scientific sources for it though.

Until next time.

“Discretion will guard you,

Understanding will watch over you,

To deliver you from the way of evil,

From man who speaks perverse things;”

Proverbs 2:11-12

Checking in

So for starters my laptop is in working condition finally, thanks to an IT friend I’ve made while at AFW.  AFW is Anime Fest Wichita, which is rather irrelevant for most of the time in this blog.

I am going to try to be posting more often, I’m finding more and more useful material concerning goats and other science related things that I could write on.  I’m also contemplating starting a short fictional series to write in parts and post, but I have no idea on that yet.

Today has been rather long and a spectrum of incidents.  The thesis I am writing for college is finally starting to take shape but I have a lot more work.  I’m currently working on a section that is about the ancestry of goats and how they have been part of ancient cultures.  The problem being that some of my sources and research is contradicting each other so I’m having to do more footwork again.  That was the mildly positive part of today.  The not so positive: we had to put down three of our older does today.  The oldest, one of the Kikos has been going downhill in health rapidly since it got cold in November.  We were able to get her back up to decent health once with a lot of input and coddling, but since then it would seem she’s had at least one stroke.  Her features became lopsided and she forgot how to do basic things, such as not tangling herself in a lead rope…she was a smart doe so staying untangled was never a challenge for her.  Putting her down was in her best interest over letting her freeze to death or something tragic out in the pasture while we weren’t around (This is well and truly a last resort, not just because she got old and we didn’t feel like helping her).  We treat all our livestock with respect and try to provide them with the best quality of life we can.  The other two were two of my founding Nigerians, over a year ago they contracted some sort of virus that we have been fighting trying to cure them.  We succeeded in curing their niece but when she got it we’d been fighting it long enough to know the very early stages–when it was still curable apparently.  The two older does never cleared up and the one who had it first was to the point she was suffering, the second wasn’t far behind.  Those two were the much harder part of today, if they hadn’t gotten sick (and we still don’t know what exactly caused it or what it was, our vet couldn’t figure it out) they would be in with the buck now and having kids in the spring and staying around for years to come.  Disease is so frustrating, and this is one I will definitely continue trying to find answers for.

This leads to my next little rant I guess.  The last couple days I have been seeing on Facebook these various verbal attacks on people who raise livestock for human use or consumption and attacks on people who eat meat.  Posts that are saying how horrible people are for raising livestock and how we treat them cruelly.  You know, I almost feel sorry for the people that are so deluded that they believe farmers and ranchers as a whole are horrible and cruel people.  Some of the nicest people I have ever met are farmers and ranchers, and quite frankly if you want to deal with someone who has a heart and is caring, find a farmer or rancher.  They may seem callous and bitter, but that comes through years of pain and no reward.  The smile on a farmer’s face when the rain comes in and waters his crops or on a rancher’s face when a cow comes across the field with a healthy calf on her heels is something worth seeing.  They know pain, but they also know the joy of seeing the rewards of their efforts.  And you know, they don’t do what they are doing for the money.  The people who gain a little bit of knowledge on the agriculture industry and then decide it’s all horrible and attack it need to stop and spend a while on an actual farm.  I don’t mean like the animal cruelty videos you find, but actually working, actually trying, and truly learning about the animals.  Sometimes how a cow is handled looks rough to an outsider, and sometimes it kind of is, but I can also guarantee if they were handling that cow they may take some interesting measures themselves in order not to get run over or squished.  Maybe if people could slow down and look at both sides before belittling and attacking others and other ways of life…

Eh, that’s human nature though so it’s not likely to change.  Anyhow, I’m getting ready to start my fourth semester at Langston University in a few weeks.  I’m studying Agricultural Business and some Accounting.  My plan is essentially a dual degree but I’m not entirely sure if I’m still going to do that or just finish the Ag and Master in Accounting at WSU afterwards.  I’d be closer to home, be able to get a better paying–more consistent–job, and help with the goats at home.  I have big plans for the home farm, not really size wise, but like setting up a working garden, start soap making to sell goat soap (I can mail that too), set up  a decent size chicken koop, and maybe set up a few more pens to split out the herd as needed more effectively.  Big plans need money though so they’ll have to wait until after college.  Meanwhile I’m writing for the Dairy Goat Journal and working on the Langston campus in the Agriculture department.  This last semester I was working with a researcher on a red cedar project and was even put over a sub-project that I wrote the plans for and everything.  Cool.  I’m hoping to gain an internship at the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge this summer, or some sort of internship…really want the Refuge one though. On top of the job and college I’m selling crochet items every once in a while too, anything from amigurumi creatures to full size afghans.  I’m getting better at it and have added clay to my crochet hooks to help support my hands some.

I’ve ranted enough for the night I imagine, I need to work on my thesis some more.  Tomorrow I’ll be going to a movie with my friend so maybe I’ll write up a little review just to start a pattern or something.  Who knows?  Until next time.

“A wise man will hear and increase in learning, and a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel.” Proverbs 1:5


Ha, being punny today 😛
I can’t believe how long it’s been since I’ve written anything. It’s funny because I remember saying I’d try to post bi-weekly or so. Well that didn’t happen.
I’m now a student at Langston University. That’s in Oklahoma for anyone curious. Learning a bit, haven’t gotten to work with goats just yet but my boss is going to try to get me moved to the kid barn next semester for kidding season. Yay! \(^o^)/ (I found a new type of keyboard for emojis)
It’s the first major cold snap today (thus the title) it was only 30F this morning at 6:50 and supposed to top at 41F today. Fun fun, not supposed to get much warmer this week at all.
I haven’t got much news as far as BBGoats’ herd.. I haven’t been home for a couple weeks and won’t be going back until thanksgiving. (2 more weeks, I’m going to be goat deprived by then.)
Even though I don’t have much news, I’ve got pictures from The summer that I’m going to post today. Maybe I’ll be able to come up with some interesting stuff in the next little while, maybe make posting here a Saturday morning thing or something…if I figure out a topic or something to do I will probably start posting Saturday mornings (that sounds good).
Continue reading

Welcome in February with Ice

Well, I kind of failed this last week or so on posting frequently.  Sorry about that.  I’ve been under a bit of stress, not going into half of it but the other half I can explain.

Ewok, Kalypso’s little doeling and our bottle baby, died on Monday.  I will present this as a warning to anyone raising goats. 1: make sure you have C/D-anti-toxin, and 2: make sure to give your babies their CD/T’s on time.  She died from basically an imbalance of immunity in her gut.  Since she was on a bottle the immunity that she’d gain from her mother’s milk was depleted and we ran out of goat milk to supplement her formula.  She got into some bad feed or something and instead of like the other babies who just get a little sick, she became extremely bloated and stopped eating.  I warn you, if you have a baby who suddenly (such as under 24 hours) stops having any interest in food, stands alone staring into space, bloats, (if it’s a vocal animal, stops talking), and starts stretching a lot then you need to act fast.  By the time the kid starts stretching (Back legs stretched out, and putting its nose in the air) you are very likely almost out of time.  We didn’t realize what was happening until Ewok lost the ability to stand, the kid may fling its head over its withers (shoulders) and just sit like that.  When the kid starts convulsing you’re too late, I’m sorry if you found this post by looking up what symptoms your kid is currently having.  That’s what we did and we were too late.  If you see any symptoms like the early ones I described and you don’t know exactly what’s wrong please call your vet ASAP.

For what little positive there can be after that, Tiger had her kid this Wednesday.  She had a long-legged boer cross doeling with a pale head.  My sister has named the kid Envy, and at this point it seems she may be staying in our herd for quite a while.

All the other kids are doing wonderfully, even though they don’t care for this sudden cold snap we’ve fallen into again.  I’m staying on top of my college  load well, and actually succeeding with the assignments.   We are waiting for Blue and Atlatl to kid now in the next couple months, and late this month will be the start of the nigerian’s kidding season.  So we’re getting ready for more chaos.

I hope you have a good day and that God may bless your endeavors.


Hey there

Well, I don’t have much to write about, but I’m trying to post more frequently so I have to start somewhere.
All the babies are doing great! Amber is back to her normal self, beating up on the others and feeding eating any grain she can get a hold of. Her babies got their names earlier this week, the buckling is now Greed and the doeling is Avarice. Greed is probably the happiest kid ever, I think the only kid we’ve had so far that could be as happy would have been Shakespeare. But agreed is always jumping around and wagging his tail like everything is wonderful…even while he’s having to search out his mother.
All the others are doing well too. We’re waiting for Tiger to kid soon, she is absolutely huge this year. Otherwise everything seems about normal. College will be starting back up this week, so I’m hoping I’ll still be able to post something fairly frequently…can’t promise anything though as I look at the load I’ve picked up.

Happy new year

Good afternoon,
I don’t have much to post, but a friend pointed out that I actually have a couple people who read my posts..so I should try to post more often. I also found an app that allows me to use my iPad easily with wordpress, so fingers crossed.
The last of our does have kidded until late February. Mocha kidded on the sixth, of course on one of the coldest days we’ve had. She had two kids, a buckling and a doeling. The buckling is brown but almost white, he looks like he’s been rolling in the dust; my sister named him Pride. The doeling is simply white, and she’s been named Marzipan. They’re both doing wonderfully and playing with the other kids. Amber had her kids on the eighth. I can’t say she or her kids are doing super well. We don’t know what happened, but for some reason Amber’s mouth swelled up and because of the swelling she stopped eating grain. Her kids, a buckling and a doeling, aren’t sick, but they aren’t doing great since they aren’t getting as much food as they could use. Amber is slowly starting to eat again, though it’s going to take her a while to catch back up. My sister hasn’t named the kids yet since things have been chaotic to say the least.
Suede is doing wonderfully with her two doelings, as are Kalypso, Scotch, and Tequila. Sloth, Gluttony, Ewok, Cider, and Vodka are growing rapidly, I’m looking forward to seeing Sloth, Gluttony, and Cider walking in the ring. We won’t win, simply because we raise kikos. Around Kansas and Oklahoma the way to win with meat goats is to raise Boers. But with these three bucklings may be able to help us change some of that. The way I see it, if you want to change how competitions are judged you have to make it obvious that there is something wrong, currently a lot of the people I’ve met in the meat goat shows believe that they are fine. Boers are winning and mainly Boers are being shown, it isn’t a problem for most because they follow and go with Boers also. Don’t get me wrong, Boers are fine, they have their problems just as any other breed has problems. But what I’m having problems with is what is basically racism within the goat shows. If we can make it obvious that good goats are losing just because they are a different breed then maybe the people will want things to start changing to be more fair.
Now none of that will make a difference with the serious boer goat showman or breeders. It makes sense that they would be happy with how the show circuit is run. But maybe there could be a grass roots movement started with the small breeders and the none-boer breeders…that is how things will have to be done to change. I’m not wanting the show circuit to change just so we can win, honestly I just wish to see fairness, healthy goats winning, and none of this racism.
Well, I should probably quit ranting, among other reasons I could create a target on my back for wanting change.
I think that’s about it for today, I can’t think of anything that wouldn’t be going into some random rant that I promise no one in their right mind would want to hear.

Babies and snow

Ewok is doing great, she’s almost ready to spend the nights in the barn with her siblings. Gluttony and Sloth are living up to their names surprisingly well. Scotch’s kids were named Cider (the boy) and Vodka (the girl) they are all growing rapidly! Tequila finally had her kids about a week ago and she turned out to be a wonderful mother, she had a larger buckling- Wrath, and a small doe with a single silver stripe on her back- HG Mercury. Wrath looks like a snowball.
Suede had her kids Saturday night, go figure had to kid on one of the coldest nights in a spell. She had triplets, two doelings and a buckling. Sadly the buckling was dead when we found them, probably froze to death is our best guess. The doelings are doing great now though, a little red and white one- Scarlet Sunrise and a buckskin- Piper’s Paradise.
Friday night and Saturday we got sleet and snow so not much else has been happening. The last nativity we were scheduled for was canceled due to ice but the Night in Bethlehem in Augusta went wonderfully.




Quick update

Well, it’s getting late, but I thought I should go ahead and post something while I was thinking about it.
For anyone whose been following for a while, thanks to the four or so I know are following 🙂 , the only babies left from this last spring crop that didn’t get homes were those we were keeping back anyhow. Caramel Caribou, Tarragon, 3rd X’s a Charm, and Macabre Calico (Ghost), are doing great!
We have several new arrivals in the barn. Mid-late summer my sister bought back Miss Kitty; she’s one of the first Nigerian that was born on our place. Then that same weekend I picked LPC B Suede up from Dills a Little Goat Herd in Oklahoma. Just about a month ago I bought another doe and a Nigerian buck (that wasn’t planned) Beards & Tales Farm Saidie and Sir Walter Scott (aka Scottie). My sister also bought a new kiko buckling, Sir Basil. A little fresh blood so Kapitan can stay around longer.
And finally just this week we’ve had five new babies. Kalypso had triplets; two boys and a girl. We found out sadly that she isn’t the best mother ever. We now have a bottle baby again. My sister named the bucklings Sloth and Gluttony and the doeling is Ewok (like the little critters off Star Wars) I’m not sure how her full name will go yet. They were born Monday morning and Ewok has quickly adopted to the indoor life. (She absolutely loves my dad). Today Scotch had her kids: a buckling and a doeling. As far as I know the buckling doesn’t have a name yet and it sounds like the doeling may be called Grey Goose after the Vodka. (Alcohol themed after Scotch)
Suede and Tequila are due to kid any time now and we’re waiting patiently.
This months we are going to a live nativity with the goats every weekend. Last weekend was a large Biblical walk through near Peabody,Ks where every evening we took seven goats out to recreate a market scene. Tomorrow will be the start of NIB in Augusta with another market, but Ewok will join us this time. Next weekend on Sunday we’re supposed to take a couple goats to a small local scene for the manger scene I believe. (Yeah I’m falling behind.)
Slight change of topic: I’m trying to sell my four year old gelding. He’s out of Jr D. Hancock and has about 30-40 days of riding. If you’re interested or know someone send them my way 😛 I got accepted to a college in Oklahoma with a full ride scholarship so that what I’ll be doing this coming fall. Positive being the college is a leading goat research facility and has a good business program. I should be able to use the knowledge gained there to help my herd. I can’t think of much else for today and I realize that I’ve gone well beyond the short blip I was planning so goodnight, and good day to you. Shalom