Checking in

So, yet again I’ve failed at trying to be a consistent blogger.  So much for that attempt, if I can get my laptop to work better again, as it’s once again started glitching, I may try again here soon.

As it is quite a bit has happened since winter break ended.  Since February started we have had 12 kids (at least) born in our meat goat herd, the most recent being Blu’s kids.  Thankfully we found out this season that Blu was indeed not sterile, which of course is wonderful considering since she’s a breeding doe.  She had two gorgeous little boer/kiko bucklings so my sister may not need to buy a wether for the 4-H county fair.  We have about 3 more meat does to kid out then we’ll be done for a few weeks.  The dairy girls won’t start kidding until May/June, which means we won’t have a lot of freshened does at the Land of Oz show and even fewer little babies, though our 4 yearling Nigerians will for sure be going.

Since school has started I have been working two jobs on campus, one with Dr. Hart in the LU Agriculture research facility and the second with the LU Goat farm in the dairy farm milking, which combined makes for a few very very long days each week.  (Which includes today :P)

I am almost done with my second chapter of my thesis, which is actually on my to-do list right after this post.  I have also now written 9 or so articles for the Dairy Goat Journal and will continue to do so unless something strange happens.  The communications department in the LU Ag building has asked that I help out by writing small articles and such to promote the research that is going on.  The Ag department has also placed me on a grant project that will be sending me and one other girl in the school to China with APHIS and FAS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Foreign Agriculture Service).  That will be happening over this summer and in August.

So, as a little blip:  our website is hosted through and I figured there may be some people who would be interested in what exactly that is.  My blog is actually connected through our website so this may be helpful if you are selling items or want to make an informative/interactive website.  iPage itself is a website builder that provides an easy to navigate interface.  Shoot, it’s easy enough that I can keep the cite up and running even with minimal computer skills.  Once on you can set up emails specifically through your website and set up forms for people to contact you directly off the webpage.  There’s a lot of different interesting options that I’d love to say I’ve explored enough to explain but I tend to play it safe so a lot of the features haven’t been used on our cite.  If you’re wanting a way to make your small business a website or something like that iPage is definitely worth looking into.

I hope everyone is doing decent and can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I know we are in rough times and things don’t always look promising but things will get better eventually, though I can’t say when.  Just keep your head up and moving forward as best as you can.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.

I do not give to you as the world gives.

Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

~John 14:27